
Manage Your Money Workshops

SEED offers money management workshops where participants share what they know, gain new knowledge and take home practical tools to manage their money.

SEED can deliver workshops in your organization or community for FREE if you:

  • Serve people living on a low income
  • Have a group of 10 or more

These workshops can be delivered separately or as a series. Some of the topics include:

  • Setting goals & priorities
  • Where does my money go?
  • Making a budget and sticking to it
  • Understanding credit
  • Dealing with debt
  • Problem solving
  • Being a smart shopper
  • How to get free money for your child’s education

Who are these workshops for?

SEED works with people living on a low income. We are especially interested in working with individuals and families who face multiple barriers.

SEED works to design sessions for participants from diverse backgrounds. We can adapt the workshops to suit the needs of your organization and program participants.

For more information or to book a workshop email