
Money Stories

Grounding Indigenous Youth in the Lessons of their Elders

What is it?

Money Stories is a customized money management training program for Indigenous youth. The program combines Indigenous Elders speaking about their experiences with money, with facilitator-led activities about money that are relevant to youth. “We (Elders) need to help the next generation out of poverty. Young people have gifts and talents that should be used. I believe that preparing them for the future, one day they’ll go out into society with the experience and confidence to know they can make it.” Elder Lucy Guiboche.

Money stories is delivered in eight chapters. Topics covered include Money, My Community & Me, Building Assets, Goal Setting & Problem Solving, Gathering Information, Budgeting, Banking, and Credit.

A certificate is provided upon completion of the program.

How do I register?

To register for one of our in-house Money Stories series call Michael at 204-594-1159 or email to be put on a registration list.

How do I request Money Stories for my group?

If you are a youth-serving organization that would like to offer Money Stories to your participants, please contact Michael at or call 204-594-1159 for more information. Money Stories can be delivered as individual workshops or as a series. Only participants who complete the full series will receive a certificate. A minimum of 7 participants are required to request a session or series.