SEED Winnipeg is a registered charity and non-profit organization that receives funding from a diverse group of funding partners. We are deeply grateful for the generous support we receive from government departments, charitable foundations, private sector corporations, and individuals.

- Canada Revenue Agency – Community Volunteer Income Tax Program
- Canadian Heritage
- Community Services Recovery Fund
- Employment and Social Development Canada
- Employment and Social Development Canada – Canada Summer Jobs
- Employment and Social Development Canada – Foreign Credential Recognition Program
- Employment and Social Development Canada – Social Development Partnerships Program
- Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada
- Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
- Reaching Home: Canada’s Homelessness Strategy
- Department of Advanced Education and Training
- Department of Economic Development, Investment, Trade and Natural Resources
- Department of Education and Early Childhood Learning
- Department of Families
- Department of Finance
- Department of Labour and Immigration
- Manitoba Accessibility Fund
- Manitoba Housing
- 10 G Foundation – Dancho Fund
- Blum Family Fund
- Moffat Family Fund
- Tommy & Ruth Fund
- Youth in Philanthropy
Anonymous Donor
Individual Donors