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Recognition Counts

Business woman walking on the street
Loans for Skilled Immigrants

Recognition Counts helps skilled immigrants to achieve their career goals in Canada. If you are a skilled immigrant, you can access supports including:  

  • Financial counselling 
  • A chance to apply for a loan of up to $30,000 with Assiniboine Credit Union to help with the cost of having your qualifications recognized in Manitoba 
  • Assistance obtaining employment in your field of expertise or a related or alternative field 

Recognition Counts loans are flexible, personal, and affordable. You can use the money for the costs associated with achieving your career goals in Canada, including:  

  • living expenses (food, housing, transportation, childcare, etc.) 
  • tuition, textbooks and computers 
  • costs associated with the process of registration with a professional regulatory body, or Apprenticeship Manitoba (exam fees, professional registration costs, etc.) 
  • tools, equipment, work clothes, personal protective equipment needed for your work 

Recognition Counts loans are offered based on the following terms.


Up to $30,000 


The loan is offered over a maximum term of up to 7½ year term depending on need and purpose. 


You can choose between a fixed interest rate or a variable interest rate for your loan. Interest rates are based on Assiniboine Credit Union’s Prime rate. As of March 2025, the rate is currently 4.95%. 


There are no loan fees, and you can pay off the loan at any time without penalty. 

Loan Calculator

Use this tool to calculate your monthly payments according to the Recognition Counts Loan features. This tool includes all the features of the Recognition Counts Loan such as the interest only accreditation stage monthly payments and the staggered disbursements (more than 3 months apart).

Open Loan Calculator

You must be a skilled immigrant seeking to work in your field of expertise or a related or alternative field in Manitoba. You must also be:

  • a Permanent Resident of Canada, or an individual granted refugee status in Canada and who is legally permitted to work in Canada, or, a Canadian citizen, or a Temporary Foreign Worker with an open Work Permit (including CUAET visa holders)
  • a Manitoba resident
  • living on a low income

Your gross household income must be less than the amount listed below. Enter the number of people who live in your household to see the maximum household income for this program.

Low Income Qualification Calculator

How you apply depends on whether you are enrolled in a recognized bridging program. 

If you are not taking a bridging program: 

  1. Determine your Referral Partner and make an appointment with a Career Coach. 
  2. Tell your Career Coach about your career plan and discuss if a Recognition Counts loan is appropriate for you. If that is the case, you will receive your registration code. 
  3. Complete your Career Action Plan online at To log in for the first time, click the Register button, then use your Registration Code to complete the log in process. Completing the Career Action Plan shows your experience and qualifications to work in your chosen field in Manitoba. The work you put into this plan will also help you decide if applying for a Recognition Counts loan is the best decision for your future. 
  4. Your employment counsellor will review your Career Action Plan. If approved, it will then be submitted to Recognition Counts 
  5. A Program Coordinator from the Recognition Counts program will contact you to attend an information session. You will learn more about the program and how to apply for a Recognition Counts loan. 
  6. If you decide to apply for the Recognition Counts loan, and your application is approved, you will then meet with an Assiniboine Credit Union account manager to complete the loan process. 

If you have been accepted into a bridging program: 

  1. Ask the Coordinator of your program for the Recognition Counts Registration Code. 
  2. Complete your Career Action Plan online at To log in for the first time, click the Register button, then use your Registration Code to complete the log in process. Completing the Career Action Plan shows your experience and qualifications to work in your chosen field in Manitoba. The work you put into this plan will also help you decide if applying for a Recognition Counts loan is the best decision for your future. 
  3. Once your Career Action Plan is completed and submitted, a Recognition Counts Program Coordinator will contact you to attend an intake session. You will learn more about the program, as well as how to apply for a Recognition Counts loan. 
  4. If you decide to apply for a Recognition Counts loan and it is approved, you will then meet with an Assiniboine Credit Union account manager to complete the loan process. 

Forms and Guides

Please call us at 204-927-9937 or email if you have any questions. 

Referral Partners 

Contact and make an appointment with a Career Coach at a location close to you: 

Location  Referral Partner 
Winnipeg and have been in Canada less than 3 years (up to 5 years if you only need help with the licensing process)  Manitoba Start, 271 Portage Avenue 
Winnipeg and have been in Canada for more than 3 years  Manitoba Jobs Skills and Development Centre, 100-111 Lombard Avenue 
Winnipeg and have been in Canada for more than 3 years  Success Skills Centre, 2-406 Edmonton Street 
Morden  Manitoba Jobs Skills and Development Centre, Morden Centre, 1-160 Stephen Street, Morden MB 
Winkler  Regional Connections, 2-295 Perry Street, Winkler MB (head office), with offices in Morden, Altona and Dauphin. 
Steinbach  Manitoba Jobs Skills and Development Centre, Steinbach Centre, 321 Main Street, Steinbach MB 
Brandon  Manitoba Jobs Skills and Development Centre, Brandon Centre, 127-340 Ninth Street, Brandon MB 
Brandon  Westman Immigrant Services, 1001 Pacific Avenue, Brandon MB 
Portage la Prairie  Manitoba Jobs Skills and Development Centre, 1016 Saskatchewan Avenue E, Portage la Prairie MB 
Portage la Prairie  Portage Learning and Literacy Centre, 110 Saskatchewan Avenue West, Portage la Prairie MB 


Bridging Programs 

Ask the bridging program staff to provide you with an access code to complete your Career Action Plan online.    

Bridging Program  Location 
BPIEN (Bridging Pathway for Internationally Educated Nurses)  Red River College - Winnipeg 

Note: This section is for exclusive use of Recognition Counts Referral Partners. 

For Employment Counsellors 

If this is the first time you are referring a client to Recognition Counts, use the username and password already assigned to you to login here. 

If you do not have a username and password already assigned, call Recognition Counts at 204-927-9937. 

Once logged in: 

  1. Go to the “Registration Codes” tab and click on “Generate a registration Code”. 
  2. Give the unique code generated to your client and tell them to go to to register and to complete the Career Action Plan. 
  3. You will receive an email once the client has submitted the Career Action Plan. 
  4. Login again and review the Career Action Plan. 
  5. If you agree with the plan, click “Yes” to recommend and instantly submit to Recognition Counts staff. Otherwise, click “No.” 
  6. If you are Manitoba Start staff, please follow your internal vetting process for CAP approval. 

Forms and Guides for Referral Partners

Funded in part by the Government of Canada's Foreign Credential Recognition Program
Michelle standing outside in front of trees

After explaining the situation to her employment coach, Michelle was referred to SEED. She felt understood and supported by the staff in SEED’s Recognition Counts program.

Read Michelle's Story