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Owning their own home has made Manan and his family feel stronger, “it gives my kids a better future. It’s given me a new direction.”

In 2014, Manan was a recent immigrant to Manitoba and was having a difficult time. He had a growing family, little community support, and increasing debt. When his wife completed the Saving Circle Program at SEED, Manan heard about SEED’s Inner-City Homebuyer (ICH) program for the first time. “Getting a house in Canada is a dream for all immigrants’ hearts,” says Manan. He and his wife slowly started saving to buy a home. In 2018, they were able to move their young family into Manitoba Housing, which helped them financially, but they remained determined to purchase a home and give a family in greater need an opportunity to live in their apartment.

In 2020, Manan was accepted into the ICH Program and soon realized that he had no idea how to navigate buying a house.

The program helped Manan understand what was involved in buying a home, “things were very clear, the structure of the whole program was excellent. The study guide provided everything that was needed.” He also learned how to curb his spending and improve his credit score and gained valuable knowledge from several guest presentations on topics like banking, realtors, and energy savings.

In Manan’s experience, house hunting in January 2022 was very stressful. “We could not have done it without the support system of SEED. I was in constant communication with Anna for advice and support. To have someone to trust is very important. SEED does a very, very amazing job. We are very proud of ourselves. SEED did an incredible job of helping us prepare for this.” Manan found Assiniboine Credit Union helpful as well, “I understood mortgages and downpayments through what I had learned in the ICH program.”

Initially concerned about living in the inner city, Manan now says, “we’re very happy here. Our neighbours are very nice. School is close by. It is a safe place.” He realizes ICH helps revitalize the area by supporting home ownership.

Would Manan recommend SEED? “Of course. Absolutely! Go for it… SEED makes things easy and seamless.” Owning their own home has made Manan and his family feel stronger, “it gives my kids a better future. It’s given me a new direction. I am very hopeful for the future.”

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