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Loraine standing outside in front of trees
“Using the Cree language in the training helps connect young people with their heritage”

Lorraine first connected with SEED through the Saving Circle and IDA programs that helped her save to purchase a laptop and a scooter. Last year she joined SEED’s Money Management Training Train-the-Trainer program and was certified as a facilitator for the new First Language Money Stories program. Lorraine had lost much of her first language during her years at a residential school, so to prepare for the program she strengthened her Cree language skills by researching at the library and asking cousins about vocabulary and pronunciation.

Lorraine said, “I had no confidence in doing this and was skeptical about using Zoom. But Justin and Pam kept encouraging me.” Having now delivered several sessions, Lorraine sees many benefits. Participants often come into the sessions with very little knowledge about money. In these sessions, “they are able to focus on where and how to spend money, how to recognize foolish ways to use money, budgeting, good and bad credit, and the importance of saving for an uncertain future.” Lorraine found that “using the Cree language in the training helps connect young people with their heritage.” Her hope is that her story will motivate others to save. Her own experience is that learning to set financial goals increased her determination to start saving.

Involvement with the First Language Money Stories program fits in well with Lorraine’s goals. She is a lifelong learner having completed a Cree language program at the University of Winnipeg with plans to further her Cree language studies at Red River College. She doesn’t miss an opportunity to share her story and “encourage others to connect with SEED. I’m not going to stop.”

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